St. Bartholomew's Polyphony Choir                                  UPDATE  OCTOBER 2012


...... to the very first issue of UPDATE, an occasional e-newsletter for Choir Members bringing news, views, information and updates to you through the wonder of the internet! Do let me know if you find the format and content helpful, and if you would like to offer thoughts as to future content then I would be pleased to receive them. You have my email address!! Tony


As always, this term's practices are very important (aren't they always, though!). It's our busiest period by far in terms of the music we have to rehearse for, and the Christmas Concert and number of Masses to prepare for make attendance so very important. The music we are planning to sing is available from the front page of our Web site, and hopefully you will familiarise yourselves with it. At the start of the term we agreed that we would start at 8pm promptly on Tuesdays; It's hugely encouraging that you all seem to have taken this on board and, thus far, we have managed to stick with it.

As Christmas gets closer we will, of course, increasingly need to make use of the extra 15 minutes between 9.30pm and 9.45pm. PLEASE do ensure you are available for the final Concert rehearsal on Saturday 15th December at 2.30pm as well as the Concert. Thank you.

Web site

Our Web site has now finished being made-over. There are number of incidental things that need to be sorted still, such as the lack of 'roll-over' names on the top image on Gallery 2. There is also a large back-log of pictures to prepare and upload (thanks to John Taylor and his amazing photography). Hopefully all will be up to date before the end of the year.

Hope you like the 'new' appearance?

Have a look at the Members page - is there anyone missing or presented incorrectly? Do let Tony know if you are able to add or correct anything.

Choir Committee

You all know we have a Committee to assist Tony in the planning and running of the Choir. They also represent the members, and take forward views and suggestions for the future. The members are:
Tony (Director), Jeannette Ryan (Secretary and Treasurer), Terry Jupp and Sabina Bush (Sopranos), Joan Butler (Altos), John Ambler (Tenors) and Richard Bush (Basses). In addition Bernard as liaison with the Orchestra attends. The Committee meets three times a year, and the dates of the meetings are always shown on the Choir Diary.

Parish General Meeting and Social

This year's Parish Meeting takes place on Saturday 6th October at 7pm in the Hall, with a social get-together afterwards. I intend to be there, and hope many of you will be present with me. The notes from last year's meeting can be found HERE. It will be interesting to see what progress has been made since then on the issues raised at that time, and what the future holds.

The Polyphony Choir's Report, prepared at the beginning of September for this meeting, is available to download HERE.

Who is it?

A statue from our own church. Do you recognise it? Who does it represent? Click on the picture for a larger image. Answers in an email to Tony, and the first correct one out of the hat at the end of October will receive a small prize! Only small mind!!

I wonder if anyone has any pictures of the church in times past that they might be willing to make available to scan for the Web site?

2013 beckons

Plans for next year are coming together! A repeat of Stainer's The Crucifixion during Holy Week, but with the 'Albinoni' Stabat Mater added for the occasion. Fauré's Requiem in the Autumn, on the feast of All Souls, and one or possibly two Choir outings under consideration.

Do you have any relatives or contacts in other Catholic parishes in England that might welcome us to sing at Mass?

And 2014.....

Would you consider a five day four night Choir tour abroad in 2014? In Europe? Budget prices? A thought to leave you all with for a few months! The subject will crop up again in 2013 when the time is appropriate and the research done.

And finally.....

A very warm welcome to Sophie, who has joined the Sopranos.

Happy Birthday to the Choir - 43 years old on September 19th.

Thank you to you all for your on-going commit-ment, without which we could not function.

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